Super Junior M - Don’t Don

谁定下的法则 弱肉强食的罪恶
shui ding xia de fa ze, ruo rou xiang shi de zui e
Who made this rule, the evil of the strong overpowering the weak
谁让你是渺小角色 别无选择
shui rang ni shi miao xiao jiao se, bie ru xuan ze
You don’t have a choice because you are a negligible character

面对着强大的黑暗 除了无奈地呐喊 还能怎么办
mian dui zhe xiang da de hei an, chu le wu nai de na han, hai neng zen me ban
Facing the powerful darkness, except shouting with frustration, what else can you do

Don’t Don! 生在这个世界
Don’t Don! sheng zai zhe ge shi jie
Don’t Don! Born in this world
除了被他轻蔑 又该如何
chu le bei ta qing mie, you gai ru he
What else can you do except being looked down on

you outta control what is your mind

陷落进肮脏的泥沼 根本摆脱不掉 无处可逃
xian luo jin an zang de ni zao, gen ben bai tuo bu diao, wu chu ke tao
Fallen into the dirty swamp, cannot escape, no where to escape to

stop bangin’ my head. my eyes gone red

我要来挽救世界 我要阻止希望破灭
wo yao lai wan jiu shi jie, wo yao zu zhi xi wang po mie
I will save the world, I will prevent hope from dying
那些自私的人们 别以为
na xie zi si de ren men, bie yi wei
Those selfish people, don’t think

sui bo zhu liu mo bu guan xin jiu neng fang ren liang xin de ze wen
Not giving a care can ease question from your heart

bu yao tai tian zhen
Don’t be too childish

The world is mind
rang wo wei zhe ge shi jie li fa
Let me set rules for this world
sui ran wo ye xiang he da jia yi qi zhua zhu xing fu
Even though I want to grab happiness with everyone else

dan zhe ke e de ming yun ta yi jing xian yi bu zhao shang wo
But this evil destiny, it has found me already
xiang xin zai zhe ge shi jie jue bu hui tong qing nuo ruo de ni
I believe that this world won’t feel sorry for the weak you

贡献所有力量给孩子希望 冲破一切阻挡
gong xian suo you li liang gei hai zi xi wang, chong po yi qie zu dang
Give all your energy, give the children hope, break through all barriers

用大家的爱 打败虚幻世界的罪恶安排
yong da jia de ai, da bai xu huan shi jie de zui e an pai
Use everyone’s love, conquer imaginary world’s evil plan
qing xiang xin wei lai
Please believe in the future

千万别怨我 我没有堕落 你别傻啦
qian wan bie yuan wo, wo mei you duo luo, ni bie sha la
Don’t blame me, I have not fallen, don’t be stupid
是这个世界在摆布你 摆布
shi zhe ge shi jie zai bai bu ni, bai bu
It’s this world that’s controlling you, controlling

我! 要! 我就是要这样不择手段
wo! yao! wo jiu shi yao zhe yang bu ze shou duan
I! Want! I want to be unreasonable like this
jiu suan yao bei pan zheng ge shi jie
Even if I need to betray the entire world

只要封闭五感 不听不看
zhi yao feng bi wu gan, bu ting bu kan
Close the five senses, don’t listen don’t look
ba zi ji mi shi zai wu qiong de hei an
Lose yourself in the endless darkness
qu pao kai xin sui gu dan
Throw away the loneliness of heartbreak

贡献所有力量给孩子希望 冲破一切阻挡
gong xian suo you li liang gei hai zi xi wang, chong po yiqie zu dang
Give all your energy, give children hope, break through all the barriers

用大家的爱 打败虚幻世界的罪恶安排
yong da jia de ai, da bai xu huan shi jie de zui e an pai
Use everyone’s love, conquer imaginary world’s evil plan
qing xiang xin wei lai
Please believe in the future

Don’t Don! sheng zai zhe ge shi jie
Don’t Don! Born in this world
除了被他轻蔑 又该如何
chu le bei ta qing mie, you gai ru he
What else can you do except being looked down on
(HENRY) you outta control what is your mind
陷落进肮脏的泥沼 根本摆脱不掉 无处可逃
xian luo jin an zang de ni zao, gen ben bai tuo bu diao, wu chu ke tao
Fallen into the dirty swamp, cannot escape, no where to escape to
(HENRY)stop bangin’ my head. my eyes gone red

Don’t Don! 不要继续堕落
Don’t Don! bu yao ji xu duo luo
Don’t Don! Don’t continue to fall
dai jiu le de mian ju
You’ve been wearing mask for a long time
hai bu zhai qu
Take it off
(Henry) 快摘掉那虚假的面具吧
kuai zhai diao na wei jia de mian ju ba
Quickly take off that hypocritical mask
da jia dou zai deng na yi tian
Everyone is waiting for that day
不要放弃希望 相信未来
bu yao fang qi xi wang, xiang xin wei lai
Don’t lose hope, believe in the future
(Henry) 永远丢掉你那虚伪的面具吧
yong yuan diu dao ni na xu wei de mian ju ba
Forever throw away your hypocritical mask

credits: annacircles @ LJ
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